Changing the narrative...
Historically, Black people do not engage In recreational swimming. Moreover, anything around water was limited. In 2013, while at the National Association of Black Scuba Divers Association Annual Summit, a group of women discussed the lack of representation of African American women in the Diving World, Marine Sciences, Oceanographic studies, and scientific diving. Two common themes, "hair" and negative cultural narratives about swimming, appeared. They thought, "we can address the hair fear issue.. that's easy; the challenge would be changing "the narrative."
Jeff Wiltse, author of Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America, says, “It is because of discrimination and segregation that swimming never became a part of African-American recreational culture.” The lack of access to swimming pools and public beaches meant that many African Americans were denied the opportunity to learn how to swim; and intergenerational fear of the water stops their descendants from learning now.
The Founders
Narrative Changers
Dr. nevada winrow
Dr. Winrow (Nevada) is a Johns Hopkins School of Medicine-trained Pediatric Neuropsychologist who has served as a clinical practitioner and a Professor and administrator in higher education for over a decade in roles as Dean, Provost, and Senior Executive Vice President and has served as a Board of Trustee at two HBCUs. Throughout her professional career she has served as a member of the Fulbright Scholars Review Board and the Board of Examiners for Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and currently serves on the Board of the Johns Hopkins Medical and Surgical Association. Nevada is the alumna of several institutions that include Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Howard University, and Lincoln University and completed fellowships in Neuroradiology, Psychoneuroimmunology, Cognitive Neuroscience and Neurochemistry. She is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. and is member-affiliated with many professional organizations. She is a member of Maryland Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and is a FAA licensed sUAS pilot and serves as a CAP aerospace educator. With an astrological sign of Pisces, she was destined to love the water. Nevada is a PADI Master Scuba Diver, an associate member of the Women's Diving Hall of Fame and the American Academy of Underwater Sciences. She currently serves as the National Chairwoman of Youth programs for the National Association of Black Scuba Divers.
Taylor-Symon Winrow
Taylor is a Research Scientisit for Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company. Prior to joing Pfizer, she was a scientisit at University of California - San Diego. Taylor is a graduate of Clemson University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology with a concentration in Animal Science. Taylor is an avid swimmer and diver and is an active advocate for children and animals. Taylor belongs to several professional organizations; she is also a member of the National Association of Black Scuba Divers. She is a PADI certified Open-Water diver.