
Board Committees


Compliance & risk management

The committee on Compliance and Risk Management makes suggestions and recommendations to the Board of Directors for early detection, evaluation, effect and possibility calculation of all kinds of strategic, operational, financial, legal and other risks that might damage the Foundation’s existence, development and continuity and is chaired by the Board Secretary/Legal Counsel.


The committee on Finance provides financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the organizations budget. The members of this committee’s sole responsibility is to ensure the organization is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs. This committee is chaired by the Board Treasurer.

education, research & curriculum

The committee on Education, Research & Curriculum discuss a strong educational research agenda and recommend proposals affecting academic programming, including but not limited to course and workshop proposals, program changes, and general policies with impact on instruction and learning. This committee is chaired by the Chief Academic Officer.

Committee on Policy

The Committee on Policy is a board designated committee with goals of insuring the board has policies and procedures in place to guide the operation of the organization in a legal and ethical manner. The committee is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer.

Marketing Committee

The Marketing committees creates awareness of the good work done by BGDF by creating fundraising campaigns, promoting events, and posting on social media platforms. This committee works closely with the Foundation Advancement committee.

foundation advancement

The committee on Foundation Advancement is concerned with ensuring the operation of the foundation’s fund-raising program. Its role includes ensuring that fund-raising efforts align clearly with the mission of Black Girls Dive Foundation; understanding the need for fund-raising, educating and encouraging other board members to participate in raising funds; and monitoring the operation of the fundraising program.